Connecting POint

Next 3-Week Session: May 4, 11 & 18

9:00 AM  |   Gym Stage

Connecting Point is 3-week class that allows you to really get to know Community Alliance Church, who we are, what we believe, what we do and the vision and mission we are pursuing. Throughout the course of the class, we will answer the following questions:

Who is Jesus?
What is the vision of CAC?
What do we believe?
What do we do?
How can you get connected?

As you go through this class, we want you to grow in your understanding of who Jesus is, who we are and take your next steps to finding community.

Questions? Contact Pastor Mark Pastoria at or phone at 724-282-0230 ext. 224

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Upcoming Sessions

each session consists of 3 consecutive weeks of classes
May 4, 2025
Do you want to get started now but have already missed some of the current session?
No problem, come anyway! You are welcome to jump in and join us at any time.